Deploy Visio and Project separately in Intune

Deploying Microsoft 365 Apps using Intune is pretty straight forward and easy, however if you like to only install Visio or Project to user with a licenses you might run into issues, this post will cover how easy package Visio and Project as separate installation packages.

  1. Pre-requisites
  2. Extracting Office Deployment Tool
  3. Using Pre-Configured configs
  4. Creating the uninstall configuration file
  5. Packaging Using Win32 Content Prep Tool
  6. Intune Application Deployment
  7. Manually creating configuration files examples
  8. References


Extracting Office Deployment Tool

Start by downloading the Office Deployment Tool use your favorite extract/unpack tool (7-Zip).

  • Right click on the Office Deployment Tool (officedeploymenttool_16731-20290.exe) and select extract to folder.

You should end up with a folder looking like the image below. We only need setup.exe

Office Deployment Tool

Using Microsoft Pre-Configured Configs

Head over to

  • Select Standard configuration
Office deployment configuration files
  • Select Add Visio Online Plan 2
Visio Online Plan 2
  • After making your selection go to the top of the page and select “Get Link”

You can download the file manually if you like or you can point the setup.exe to use the link to download the configuration file automatically during installation. We will be using the link in this example.

Creating the Uninstall Configuration file

We will need to manually create a Uninstallation configuration file to be able to uninstall the application separately. Below I created a sample of a Uninstallation configuration file for Visio, you would switch out the Product ID to the Office application you would like to have a uninstallation config for.

<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE"/>
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE"/>
<Product ID="VisioProRetail"> </Product>

Packaging using Win32 Content Prep Tool

  • Place setup.exe (The file we extracted from the Office Deployment Tool before) in a empty folder.
  • Place the uninstall configuration file (uninstall.xml) in the same folder as setup.exe
  • Start the Win32 Content Prep Tool and specify the folder and the setup.exe file as installation file.
Packaging Office for Intune

If you have downloaded the setup config, the configuration file should be placed in the same folder as setup.exe before you package it.

The generated file setup.intunewin is now ready to be uploaded to Intune as an application.

Intune Application Deployment

Go to Intune portal and select Apps – Windows and click “Add”

  • App type: Windows app (Win32)
  • Select the newly create setup.intunewin file, change the required information and upload the Visio logo. (In app version you can write “Latest”)
  • Install command: setup.exe /configure “”
  • Uninstall command: setup.exe /configure uninstall.xml
Install commands Microsoft Office 365
Detection rule VISIO

Done, you can now publish this and users can separately install Visio.
You can assign the required install group the same license group for Visio if you have created such. This would automatically install Visio on users that have a license and uninstall Visio if the user does not have a license. (You need to setup license group)

install groups intune

Manually creating configuration files examples

Setup.exe needs a configuration file to describe what it should and should not install. We can create this file manually or we can use the pre-configured configurations files supplied by Microsoft. Example below.


If you have M365 Apps installed with multiple languages using xml, you might get the error: “Language not available”

If you get this error switch to: <Language ID=”MatchOS”/>

Language not available office error

Sample file Visio

<Add Version="MatchInstalled">
<Product ID="VisioProRetail">
<Language ID="MatchOS"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive"/>
<Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE"/>
<Property Name="DeviceBasedLicensing" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="TenantId" Value="Your tenant id"/>
<Updates Enabled="TRUE"/>

Sample file Projects

<Add Version="MatchInstalled">
<Product ID="ProjectProRetail">
<Language ID="MatchOS"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/>
<ExcludeApp ID="OneDrive"/>
<Property Name="SharedComputerLicensing" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE"/>
<Property Name="DeviceBasedLicensing" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0"/>
<Property Name="TenantId" Value="Your tenant id"/>
<Updates Enabled="TRUE"/>


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Mateusz Jagiełło
Mateusz Jagiełło
6 months ago

I saw one problem. The script is not checking if any Office component is opened and if yes then the package will be not installed. Script should have autoclose office components outlook, word etc.

Reply to  Everything365
5 months ago

Hi do you have new improved method for this issue ?
Please share asap