Remove Teams Chat

Removing Teams Chat (Personal) without scripts

There are many ways of getting rid of the Microsoft Teams Chat (Personal), most of the solutions are to use scripts. Scripts have many benefits depending on how they are used and applied. But you can actually remove it without using scripts.

Of course, the best solution would be for Microsoft to allow us to set the following registry value, so it never installs. (The registry key is owned by TrustedInstaller so we cannot edit this without taking ownership before we modify this)


So to keep this simple, without using scripts we will simply use the Uninstall function for apps in Intune.

Download Microsoft Teams for home or small business.

First, we will need to download Teams Personal (Teams for home or small business)
Microsoft Teams Official Download Page
Make sure you select Teams for home or small business.

Teams Chat (Personal)

Extract the Teams installation file.

Using 7-zip or any other tool extract the content of the file (You do not need to do this, I just did it to get the msix download links that I have posted further down, you can skip this part and directly download the msix file if you want to)

After you extracted the MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe you should see a file named endpoint.json, opening this file we can see links to the msix files.

Endpoint.json content


You can see the download links for 64 bits package and 32 bits package. We will use the 64 bits package for this. (There is also a package for ARM)

Microsoft Teams for home or small business MSIX download links.

You should now have a file named: MicrosoftTeams-x64.msix

Line-of-business app in Intune

Now it’s time to add the application to Intune.

Go to Intune
Select AppsWindows apps.
Click on Add (to add a new app) Select Line-of-business app

Line of business app Intune

Select app package file and select the MicrosoftTeams-x64.msix

Upload App Package Intune

It will prepopulate the fields needed.

Now you can simply assign a user group to the Uninstall part and it will automatically uninstall Microsoft Teams for home or small business (Teams Personal/Chat)

The application will now auto install for the users in the group you have assigned it to.

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1 year ago

Cool, is this also available for the Mail and Calendar App in Win11. Since the new store uninstall function is not working

1 year ago

Hi. I need to download the .exe file for Teams personal. When i click the lick that brings to MS page, it downloads teams for business even though I click to download teams Home. Is there any other link where I can download Teams home .exe? thank you

9 months ago

This has been very useful, however, each time MS release a new version of this annoying app you need to update the package in Intune so that it continues to do the removal. Have you found anything to keep the removal of the app active?
Maybe packaging it as a Win32 app?

Reply to  Everything365
4 months ago

It does seem as if it’s looking for the specific version – my overview is showing ”Not installed” for all devices so far even one I know it’s installed on.

4 months ago

It looks like the MSIX downloads above lead to different versions of the packages.
The x64 seems to be version 24124.2402.2858.5617, whereas
the x86 seems to be version 24215.1105.3082.1600.
I can see my Surface has Teams version 24215.1105.3082.1600 – but wasn’t sure if it was x86 or x64. I ended up created two different app deployments using one of each and for both the results were ”Not installed” so I’m thinking it’s because the x64 version isn’t 24215.1105.3082.1600.
Will that matter or should it be able to uninstall still?