Intune – MDM Policy Wins over GPO

This post will cover how to create a configuration policy in Intune that allows Intune MDM policy to win over GPO.


  • Devices needs to be running Windows 10 version 1803 or above.
  • SCCM Version 1806.
  • Configuration Manager is setup to move the workload to Intune.

(Recommended guide for setting up Co-management in SCCM, Flipping the switch by Martin Bengtsson)

Microsoft documentation

Let’s get started.

Creating the configuration profile.

Go to Microsoft Endpoint
Click on Devices – Configuration profiles – Create profile.

Creating a configuration profile in Intune
Creating a configuration profile in Intune

Platform: Windows 10 and later
Profile type: Templates
Click Create.

Select Profile type and Platform
Select Profile type and Platform

Fill in a name for your configuration file, for this purpose, I will name it Windows 10 – MDM Policy Wins over GPO. (Fill in description optional)
Click Next.

Profile name and description
Profile name and description

Configuration settings (OMA-URI settings)

Now we will add an OMA-URI Settings, click on Add.
Fill in the following information (You may pick any name and description you see fit)

Name: MDM Policy Wins over GPO
Description: MDM settings will win over Group Policies
OMA-URI: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/ControlPolicyConflict/MDMWinsOverGP
Data type: Integer
Value: 1

Click Save.

OMA-URI Settings
OMA-URI Settings

Now the only part that is left is assigning the configuration policy to your users or devices.
Review your settings and create.

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